32 pages
Evolution of DDoS Attacks
Rust in a Nutshell
TCP/IP Subnet Masking Explained
Hayes Modem AT Command Language in a Nutshell
Firewalls and Proxy Servers Demystified
gRPC in a Nutshell
Kong vs Istio vs Traefik
Handling Rate Limiting When Large User Pools or Countries Are Behind a Firewall
Implementing a Firewall in the Go Programming Language
Foobar Orderbots-Part1-Visualizing Reverse Proxies with Python
gRPC can you use it without Protobuf?
HTTPS in a Nutshell
Implementing a DNS Server in Go
The OSI Model in a Nutshell
Winsock API Explained
Cross-Platform Bluetooth Communication in Python
TCP/IP-UDP Explained
Bluetooth communication- Windows in C++ & C#
Understanding How SSH Works
Ethernet Unplugged: A Journey Through the Wires
What Are RFCs and Why Should I Care?
VNC in a Nutshell
SSH in a Nutshell
gRPC COmpared with WCF and DCOM
X Windows in a Nutshell
Hayes Command Set Legacy
Node.js and IoT- JavaScript and Blinking LEDs
How the Telnet Protocol Works and Why It's Not Secure
Squid Proxy Pod Setup
Service Mesh Istio Setup
Envoy vs Istio vs Linkerd
Java RMI in a Nutshell