16 pages
Testing Angular and React with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
The Gang of Four Patterns
Data Modeling for Microservices
Bootstrap in a Nutshell
Dive into The CQRS Messaging Pattern
OpenApi- Big Decisions- Code First or Design First Approach?
Mobile Apps with -Cordova, Ionic, PhoneGap Compared
UML In a Nutshell
SOLID in a Nutshell
Xamarin.Forms vs Xamarin.Native
The MVVM Pattern: History, Motivation, and Practical Examples
Material Design in a Nutshell
Making Your site Usable and Accessible
OpenApi-Stoplight in a Nutshell
Vuetify 3 in Nutshell
GraphQL: Comparing Apollo Federation, Schema Stitching, and Monolithic GraphQL Servers