39 pages
Bubble Sort BATTLE!
The HIIDE Device
Prototype Games- Unity3D - Azure Cloud - Multiplayer
Auto Coach! My first commerical AI Project!
Adaptive Bitrate Cloud Video Streaming- Mobile
State Interpolation & Prediction Algorithms in Cloud Multiplayer Games
Qt GUI Framework Tour
We Invented Async and Await in the 1980s!!!
Tutorial: Multiplayer Game with Unity 3D and Azure Cloud- Part 1
Effective C++ Talk-Slides
Generics vs Templates: Java vs C# vs C++
Understanding Lock-Free Programming
Understanding C++'s swap() Function
Tutorial: Multiplayer Game with Unity 3D and Azure Cloud- Part 2
Understanding Deadlocks and Race Conditions in C++ and C#
Bag Collection Library C++
How To Write an OLE Server in Raw C++
Tutorial: Multiplayer Game with Unity 3D and Azure Cloud- Part 3
Exploring Lambda and Cloud Functions in GCP, AWS, & Azure Cloud
Qt UI and Threading
Intro to Cross-Process IPC Communication in Linux
How to Write a Windows App in C
C++ Performance Profiler Library
Exploring C++ 2020 and 2023
Evolution of IPC Apis in Windows
Command line C# Scripting with GUIs
Finite State Machines-FSM Explained
Reading and Writing YAML
Microsoft Foundation Classes Cheatsheet
Linux Device Drivers in a Nutshell
MFC CCommandTarget In Detail
C++ STL Cheatsheet
OpenMP in a Nutshell
The T4 Template Engine and Why I Love It
C++ Cheatsheet
MFC Dot Net Interop Options in 2022
ODB ORM In a Nutshell
Java JNI in a Nutshell
SQL++11 ORM In a Nutshell