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Prototype Games- Unity3D - Azure Cloud - Multiplayer

Prototype C# Unity 3D Games and other musings...

Unity Game Prototypes

Some Unity Prototypes I built over a several months without sleep for a crazy business venture..

More on that is in the PDF at the bottom of the page :)

These are prototypes- but they are functional .

I even had Multi-player working on BW and Mangriawars,

AND the Uber Clone was fully functional and scalable (built on top of Azure Cloud)

here are some screenshots

a few more details in the PDF

Mangria Wars!

FPS Multiplayer Shooter

A capture the flag 3d FPS where you have to steal the other teams bottles of Sangria .


Cars, Sangria, And Zombies!


3D Mutiplayer Shooter

Multi Player Checkers

Slider Puzzle

Virtual Adventure Game

Angry Evil Teddy Bears attack you in waves with rocket launchers
