os | os.path , os.system() , os.environ , os.mkdir() | Operating system interfaces |
sys | sys.argv , sys.path , sys.modules , sys.exit() | System-specific parameters and functions |
datetime | datetime.datetime , datetime.date , datetime.time , datetime.timedelta | Date and time manipulation |
json | json.load() , json.dump() , json.loads() , json.dumps() | JSON serialization and deserialization |
re | re.compile() , re.search() , re.match() , re.findall() , re.sub() | Regular expression operations |
math | math.sqrt() , math.sin() , math.cos() , math.pi , math.log() | Mathematical functions |
collections | collections.Counter , collections.defaultdict , collections.namedtuple | Container datatypes |
itertools | itertools.chain() , itertools.cycle() , itertools.permutations() , itertools.combinations() | Functions creating iterators |
random | random.random() , random.randint() , random.choice() , random.shuffle() | Generating random numbers |
string | string.ascii_letters , string.digits , string.punctuation | Common string operations and constants |
urllib | urllib.request , urllib.parse , urllib.error | URL handling modules |
subprocess | subprocess.run() , subprocess.Popen() , subprocess.call() | Subprocess management |
shutil | shutil.copy() , shutil.move() , shutil.rmtree() , shutil.disk_usage() | High-level file operations |
logging | logging.basicConfig() , logging.debug() , logging.info() , logging.error() | Logging facility for Python |
configparser | configparser.ConfigParser() , configparser.read() , configparser.get() | Configuration file parser |
socket | socket.socket() , socket.bind() , socket.listen() , socket.accept() | Low-level networking interface |
threading | threading.Thread() , threading.Lock() , threading.Event() , threading.Timer() | Thread-based parallelism |