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NPM and Node Modules in a Nutshell

NPM and Node Modules in a Nutshell

NPM and Node Modules in a Nutshell

What the Heck is NPM?

Alright, so you’ve decided to dive into the world of Node.js, and suddenly, everyone is throwing around the term “NPM” like it’s common sense.

But what is it really?

NPM stands for Node Package Manager, but honestly, it should be called Never-ending Pile of Modules because that’s what it feels like when you start using it.

It’s basically a massive warehouse of JavaScript packages that you can install with just a simple command.

Think of NPM as the app store, but for JavaScript libraries.

Need a library to generate fake data?

There’s a package for that.

Need one to handle dates?

There are too many packages for that.

Want a package that does absolutely nothing but exists for meme purposes?

Yep, there’s one of those too.

Installing Node and NPM

First things first, if you want to use NPM, you gotta have Node.js installed.


Download Node.js
Go to Node.js official website and download the LTS version (because unless you like living on the edge, you want the stable version).

2. Verify the Installation

Once installed, check if everything works by running:

node -v
npm -v

If those commands spit out version numbers instead of error messages, congratulations!

You’re officially in the game.

Using NPM Like a Pro (or at Least Faking It)

1. Initializing a New Project

Creating a new Node.js project?


npm init

This will walk you through setting up a package.json file.

If you’re lazy (or just don’t care about prompts), use:

npm init -y

This skips all the questions and sets up a default package.json file faster than you can say “I should have read the docs.”

2. Installing Packages

Want to install a package?


npm install some-package

Or, if you’re a fan of shorthand:

npm i some-package

By default, this installs the package in your project under the node_modules/ folder and adds it to package.json.

3. Installing Global Packages

Some tools need to be installed globally (meaning they work everywhere on your system).

For that, add the -g flag:

npm install -g some-tool

Common global packages:

  • nodemon (auto-restarts Node app)
  • http-server (quick local server)
  • typescript (because JavaScript wasn’t confusing enough)

4. Installing Dependencies from package.json

If you clone a project that already has a package.json, just run:

npm install

This will pull down all the necessary dependencies, saving you the pain of manually installing each one.

What’s Up with node_modules/?

Ah yes, the node_modules folder, the Bermuda Triangle of web development.

It contains all the packages you install, and it grows faster than you expect.

Fun fact: If you ever feel like your hard drive is too empty, just install some JavaScript packages, and in no time, your storage will be mysteriously full.

NPM Scripts: Automate the Boring Stuff

In your package.json, you can define scripts to automate tasks.

For example:

"scripts": {
  "start": "node index.js",
  "dev": "nodemon index.js",
  "test": "jest"

Then, run them with:

npm run dev

Or if the script name is start, just type:

npm start

No “run” needed.


Removing Packages

Installed something and instantly regretted it?

Remove it with:

npm uninstall some-package

Or, if you want to keep your package.json tidy:

npm uninstall some-package --save

For global packages:

npm uninstall -g some-tool

Keeping Dependencies Fresh

Outdated packages can be a security risk.

To check for updates:

npm outdated

To update everything:

npm update

To upgrade a specific package:

npm install some-package@latest

For a full refresh (and a potential breakage of your app):

rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install

Bonus: npx - The Secret Weapon

Ever need to run a package just once without installing it?

Use npx:

npx create-react-app my-app

This downloads and runs the package without permanently installing it.

It’s like borrowing a tool from a friend instead of cluttering your garage.

🔑 Key Ideas

Key ConceptSummary
NPMNode Package Manager for installing JavaScript packages.
Installing PackagesUse npm install some-package or npm i some-package.
Global PackagesUse npm install -g some-tool for system-wide tools.
Removing Packagesnpm uninstall some-package.
Keeping Packages UpdatedRun npm outdated and npm update.
ScriptsDefine tasks in package.json and run with npm run <script>.
npxRun a package without installing it permanently.
node_modules/A black hole of dependencies.

📚 References