Featured image of post eFit Aware - Android iPhone Mobile with Azure Cloud Sync

eFit Aware - Android iPhone Mobile with Azure Cloud Sync

Mobile Apps I Built for a Kickstarter.. oh and STEVE WOZNIAK... ?!?!?!


The company later imploded.. But the work was fun….

You can see bits of the IOS and Android Mobile apps in the videos in the link above

The syncing was done with Azure backend and Azure Mobile Sync API.

more on that here:

Syncing data with Azure Mobile Apps and .NET MAUI

The SDK link above talks about Maui, but at the time C# and Xamarin (which evolved into Maui) was the .Net way of building Cross-Platform mobile apps…

I worked on many other things at that company including figuring out how to setup a on premise secret API microservice but host it in the cloud

I wrote an article on it here:
Building a Hybrid On-Prem Cloud App with a Secret API

What made the device interesting?
The company had developed some crazy computer vision algorithms that could take an optical scan of your ear .

This would generate a .stl - 3d model file- of the inside of your ear.

And then we would 3D print the earphones for you ..

That look like this:

I still have my pair and the 3D STL model file of the inside of my ear (COOL!),,,

The earphones fit very very well and don’t fall out..

The idea behind the Kickstarter was to sell a mobile app with fitness tracking and cloud sync..

The company EVENTUALLY imploded and was not able to deliver the hardware (long story) in quantity at the promised cost….. A common problem with kickstarters…

The website is still up

Here is an article about the company

And a picture of Steve Wozniak getting his ears scanned..

We gave him some custom headphones


Some Videos below and there are more videos on the website

and there is a picture of me on the Kickstarter Page

This makes me FAMOUS!!

Screenshot from the video showing the eFit Mobile App UI .. And a lady who is meditating…

The Kickstarter Device that works with the Mobile App over Bluetooth ..

Check out the videos on the kickstarter link to get a better idea of how it all fits together.