MFC Cheatsheet
Concept | Syntax/Example | Description |
Application Class | class CMyApp : public CWinApp { ... }; | Defining an application class |
Message Map | BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyWnd, CWnd) ... END_MESSAGE_MAP() | Defining message map |
Document/View Architecture | class CMyDoc : public CDocument { ... }; | Defining a document class |
Dialog-Based Application | class CMyDlg : public CDialog { ... }; | Defining a dialog class |
Controls | CButton myButton; | Declaring a button control |
GDI Objects | CPen myPen; | Declaring a GDI object |
Event Handling | afx_msg void OnMyEvent(); | Handling an event |
Serialization | void Serialize(CArchive& ar); | Implementing serialization |
Windows Management | void ShowWindow(int nCmdShow); | Managing windows |
Resource Management | AfxGetResourceHandle(); | Accessing resources |
MFC Class Hierarchy Overview
CObject: The base class for all MFC classes.
CCmdTarget: Provides the ability to handle commands.
CWinThread: Represents a thread of execution in an MFC application.
CWinApp: Represents an application instance.
CDocument: Represents the data used by an application (part of the Document/View architecture).
CWnd: Represents a window.
CFrameWnd: Represents a frame window.
- CMDIFrameWnd: Represents the main frame window in an MDI application.
CMDIChildWnd: Represents a child window in an MDI application.
CDialog: Represents a dialog box.
CView: Represents a view (part of the Document/View architecture).
CArchive: Provides support for serializing data to persistent storage.