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Testing Angular and React with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

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The C#- Python version is here:
Testing C# and Python with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

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A Brief History of BDD

Once upon a time, in the dark ages of software development (a.k.a the early 2000s), developers and testers were at war.
Developers wrote code that they thought made sense, while testers wrote test cases that developers barely understood. Chaos ensued.

Then, in 2003, Dan North had a revelation: “What if developers and testers spoke the same language?” And thus, Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) was born.

BDD took inspiration from Test-Driven Development (TDD) but aimed to make tests more human-readable, so that business people, testers, and developers could all be on the same page. Instead of cryptic unit test names, BDD focused on describing behavior in plain English using a structured format called Gherkin (yep, like the pickle).

The idea? Tests should be human-readable and describe what the system actually does. That way, even non-tech people (gasp!) could understand what was going on. So instead of writing a test that checks if 2 + 2 === 4, you’d write:

Scenario: Adding two numbers
  Given I have a calculator
  When I add 2 and 2
  Then the result should be 4

Now the Non-Engineers and the Engineers have a common way to communicate features and how to test them .
And theis plain language, can be used directly- or semi-directly to actually “be” the test!

How Does BDD Compare to Other Testing Approaches?

FeatureUnit TestingBDDTDD
FocusCode correctnessSystem behaviorCode design
CollaborationLimitedEncourages team effortMostly developers
Ease of Writing TestsMediumHigher (if done right)Medium

Basic Idea

  • Unit tests check if code does what it should.
  • TDD makes you write tests first, then code.
  • BDD makes you write tests in plain English (or Gherkin) so everyone understands what’s happening.

BDD in Angular

Angular loves testing, and BDD can easily be done with Jasmine & Cucumber. Here’s an example:

Jasmine BDD Example

describe('Calculator', () => {
  it('should add two numbers correctly', () => {
    const result = add(2, 2);

Simple, right? Now, if you want Gherkin-style tests, you can use Cucumber.js with Angular:

Cucumber.js Example

Feature: Calculator
  Scenario: Adding two numbers
    Given I have a calculator
    When I add 2 and 2
    Then the result should be 4

Pair this with Protractor, and you’ve got yourself a full-fledged BDD setup.

BDD in React

React plays well with Jest & Cucumber. Here’s a BDD-style Jest test:

Jest BDD Example

describe('Calculator', () => {
  test('adds two numbers correctly', () => {
    expect(add(2, 2)).toBe(4);

And if you’re feeling fancy, you can use Cucumber.js with Jest:

Cucumber.js Example

Feature: Adding numbers
  Scenario: Adding two numbers
    Given I have opened the calculator
    When I enter 2 and 2
    Then I should see 4

This pairs beautifully with React Testing Library and Cypress for E2E testing.

Different Ways to Do BDD in Angular and React

  1. Jasmine + Karma (Angular) – The default, easiest way.
  2. Jest + React Testing Library (React) – The go-to testing combo for React apps.
  3. Cucumber.js + Protractor (Angular) – For serious Gherkin lovers.
  4. Cucumber.js + Cypress (React & Angular) – If you want full BDD-style E2E tests.


BDD is all about writing tests that make sense. It bridges the gap between techies and non-techies while making sure software behaves as expected. Whether you’re on Team Angular or Team React, BDD can level up your testing game. So go forth and write tests that actually make sense!

Key Ideas

BDDBehavior-driven development for better test readability
HistoryInvented by Dan North in 2003 to improve unit testing
ComparisonBDD vs Unit Testing vs TDD
Angular BDDUsing Jasmine, Karma, Cucumber.js, and Protractor
React BDDUsing Jest, Cucumber.js, and Cypress
Best PracticesWrite human-readable tests that describe behavior


  1. Dan North’s Original BDD Post - Link
  2. Jasmine Documentation - Link
  3. Cucumber.js Documentation - Link
  4. Jest Documentation - Link
  5. Cypress Documentation - Link
  6. Protractor Documentation - Link

Happy testing! 🚀