App Structure | Structure of an Android project, including important directories. | src/ , res/ , AndroidManifest.xml |
Activities | Represents a screen in an app; controls UI interaction. | Activity , Intent , onCreate() , onStart() , onResume() |
Views & Widgets | UI components like buttons, text fields, images. | TextView , Button , ImageView , RecyclerView , EditText |
Layouts | Defines how views are arranged on the screen. | LinearLayout , RelativeLayout , ConstraintLayout |
Intents | Used for communication between components (e.g., starting activities). | Intent , BroadcastReceiver , PendingIntent |
Resources | Store application resources such as strings, images, and colors. | res/ , strings.xml , drawable/ , values/colors.xml |
Permissions | Manage app permissions for accessing device features. | AndroidManifest.xml , checkSelfPermission() , requestPermissions() |
Storage | Data storage options for saving and retrieving data. | SharedPreferences , SQLiteDatabase , File , ContentProvider |
Networking | Communication with external servers and APIs. | HttpURLConnection , Retrofit , Volley , OkHttp |
Background Tasks | Perform tasks in the background (e.g., downloading data). | AsyncTask , Handler , ExecutorService , WorkManager |
Fragments | Reusable UI components that can be combined within an activity. | Fragment , FragmentTransaction , FragmentManager |
Services | For long-running operations in the background (e.g., music playback). | Service , IntentService , JobIntentService |
Broadcast Receivers | Listen for and respond to system-wide broadcast announcements. | BroadcastReceiver , sendBroadcast() , LocalBroadcastManager |
UI Thread & Handlers | Manage UI updates and tasks in the background. | Handler , Looper , runOnUiThread() , MessageQueue |
Notifications | Display notifications to users outside the app’s UI. | Notification , NotificationManager , NotificationChannel |
Testing | Tools for testing Android applications. | JUnit , Mockito , Espresso , Robolectric |