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Android Cheatsheet

Buzzword Decoder + important bits of the Android SDK

CategoryDescriptionImportant Classes/Components
App StructureStructure of an Android project, including important directories.src/, res/, AndroidManifest.xml
ActivitiesRepresents a screen in an app; controls UI interaction.Activity, Intent, onCreate(), onStart(), onResume()
Views & WidgetsUI components like buttons, text fields, images.TextView, Button, ImageView, RecyclerView, EditText
LayoutsDefines how views are arranged on the screen.LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout
IntentsUsed for communication between components (e.g., starting activities).Intent, BroadcastReceiver, PendingIntent
ResourcesStore application resources such as strings, images, and colors.res/, strings.xml, drawable/, values/colors.xml
PermissionsManage app permissions for accessing device features.AndroidManifest.xml, checkSelfPermission(), requestPermissions()
StorageData storage options for saving and retrieving data.SharedPreferences, SQLiteDatabase, File, ContentProvider
NetworkingCommunication with external servers and APIs.HttpURLConnection, Retrofit, Volley, OkHttp
Background TasksPerform tasks in the background (e.g., downloading data).AsyncTask, Handler, ExecutorService, WorkManager
FragmentsReusable UI components that can be combined within an activity.Fragment, FragmentTransaction, FragmentManager
ServicesFor long-running operations in the background (e.g., music playback).Service, IntentService, JobIntentService
Broadcast ReceiversListen for and respond to system-wide broadcast announcements.BroadcastReceiver, sendBroadcast(), LocalBroadcastManager
UI Thread & HandlersManage UI updates and tasks in the background.Handler, Looper, runOnUiThread(), MessageQueue
NotificationsDisplay notifications to users outside the app’s UI.Notification, NotificationManager, NotificationChannel
TestingTools for testing Android applications.JUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Robolectric