6502 Assembly Language in a Nutshell
The Glorious History of the 6502
Ah, the 1970s—a time of disco, bell-bottoms, and the birth of the MOS Technology 6502.
Released in 1975, this 8-bit microprocessor powered iconic systems like the Apple II, Commodore 64, Atari 2600, and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
The 6502 was revolutionary because it was cheap, simple, and fast. Compared to its competitors like the Motorola 6800 and Intel 8080, the 6502 punched above its weight. Even today, it’s beloved in retro computing, classic game emulation, and embedded systems.
6502 Architecture - What’s Inside?
The 6502 is a simple but powerful processor with the following components:
- Accumulator (A): The main register for arithmetic and logic operations.
- Index Registers (X and Y): Used for addressing and loop counters.
- Stack Pointer (SP): Keeps track of the call stack.
- Program Counter (PC): Points to the next instruction.
- Status Register (P): Holds flags that indicate operation results.
Memory Addressing:
- 16-bit address bus, allowing access to 64 KB of memory.
Clock Speed:
- Typically around 1 MHz, but surprisingly efficient for its time!
6502 Instruction Set
Mnemonic | Description |
ADC | Add with Carry |
AND | Logical AND |
ASL | Arithmetic Shift Left |
BCC | Branch if Carry Clear |
BCS | Branch if Carry Set |
BEQ | Branch if Equal |
BIT | Bit Test |
BMI | Branch if Minus |
BNE | Branch if Not Equal |
BPL | Branch if Positive |
BRK | Force Interrupt |
BVC | Branch if Overflow Clear |
BVS | Branch if Overflow Set |
CLC | Clear Carry Flag |
CLD | Clear Decimal Mode |
CLI | Clear Interrupt Disable |
CLV | Clear Overflow Flag |
CMP | Compare Accumulator |
CPX | Compare X Register |
CPY | Compare Y Register |
DEC | Decrement Memory |
DEX | Decrement X Register |
DEY | Decrement Y Register |
EOR | Exclusive OR |
INC | Increment Memory |
INX | Increment X Register |
INY | Increment Y Register |
JMP | Jump |
JSR | Jump to Subroutine |
LDA | Load Accumulator |
LDX | Load X Register |
LDY | Load Y Register |
LSR | Logical Shift Right |
NOP | No Operation |
ORA | Logical Inclusive OR |
PHA | Push Accumulator |
PHP | Push Processor Status |
PLA | Pull Accumulator |
PLP | Pull Processor Status |
ROL | Rotate Left |
ROR | Rotate Right |
RTI | Return from Interrupt |
RTS | Return from Subroutine |
SBC | Subtract with Carry |
SEC | Set Carry Flag |
SED | Set Decimal Flag |
SEI | Set Interrupt Disable |
STA | Store Accumulator |
STX | Store X Register |
STY | Store Y Register |
TAX | Transfer Accumulator to X |
TAY | Transfer Accumulator to Y |
TSX | Transfer Stack Pointer to X |
TXA | Transfer X to Accumulator |
TXS | Transfer X to Stack Pointer |
TYA | Transfer Y to Accumulator |
Example Code
1. Hello World over RS-232
2. Bubble Sort
Check out this uber cool 6502 Laptop!
and good video
The 6502 CPU Powered a Whole Generation!