48 pages
eFit Aware - Android iPhone Mobile with Azure Cloud Sync
Fighting Bad SQL
Steve Wozniak (Apple ][ Inventor!) Looking Cool
SQL Levels of Normalization
Enterprise Design Pattern: SQL CRUD Explained
Sql Joins Explained with Diagrams
Web Security: How SQL Injection Attacks Work
Performance? SQL Server vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL
Why I Love the SQLite Database Engine
Understanding SQL Query Plans for Performance Optimization
How I Took a Legacy App from Bare Metal to AWS
LINQ in a Nutshell
SQL Subselects and GROUP BY Explained
SQL CURSORS In a Nutshell
SQL Transactions In a Nutshell
Azure LAN to Cloud Project- Part 1 - Project Vision and Goals
Entity Framework In a Nutshell
Building a Python CLI Password Manager with Click and SQLite
How to Use Database Migrations to Evolve Schemas Smoothly
Comparing Sql Unit Testing Tools and Methods
Comparing SQL Triggers : MSSQL, MySQL, Postgres
Moving to Microservices Without Losing Your Mind
SQL Database Testing: Generating Sample Data for SQL DBs
SQL Paging Strategies
PHP is WEIRD: 10 Things That Are Weird About PHP
Supabase vs Firebase
Redis in a nutshell
Using the Python Faker Library for Sample Data Generation and Unit Testing
Understanding OLTP and OLAP
Azure Data Storage Compared Blob, File, Table, Cosmos DB, SQL
Azure- Tracing, Debugging, Troubleshooting, and Monitoring
MongoDB and Mongoose in a Nutshell
Denodo In a Nutshell
Power BI vs Looker
PHP PDO in a Nutshell
OData in a Nutshell
SQLAlchemy In a Nutshell
PHP Doctrine in a Nutshell
Best Practices for PHP with Databases
Dapper in a Nutshell
QxOrm In a Nutshell
Understanding PHP Classes and Good Practices for OO and Isolation in PHP
Rust Diesel ORM In a Nutshell
PHP - Language in a Nutshell
SQL++11 ORM In a Nutshell
Oracle in a Nutshell
GraphQL In a Nutshell
OpenSearch in a Nutshell