56 pages
Exploring Cloud Lock-In: Should I Take the Candy from the Stranger?
Exploring Different Pod Authentication methods..
Data Masking in Kubernetes
Setting Up IAM Inside a Pod
Git Submodules vs. Git Subtrees
8 Unusual Things You COULD Do with Infrastructure as Code
How I Took a Legacy App from Bare Metal to AWS
Thoughts on Optimizing CI/CD Pipelines
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Demystified
Rate Limiting for Websites vs APIs
Use WinDbg to Troubleshoot Memory Exhaustion in Cloud Apps
DevOps Cloud Services Comparison
Move a legacy IIS app to the AWS Cloud
DevOps In a Nutshell
Azure DevOps-Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment
Azure DevOps Operational Framework
Kubernetes Secrets: A Complete Guide with Code Examples
Jenkins Setup-Continuous Integration and Deployment CICD
Enforcing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Kubernetes
Kong vs Istio vs Traefik
AWS DevOps Operational Framework
Mutual TLS (mTLS) In a Nutshell
How to Use Database Migrations to Evolve Schemas Smoothly
API Rate Limiting and Request Filtering in Kubernetes
Helm in a Nutshell
OpenAPi-Create PDFs of your OpenApi- Generate Latex
OpenLens goes commercial. Free version lost Docker Pod Shell.
Blue-Green Deployments and Canary Releases
Ansible in a nutshell
Terraform in a Nutshell
Azure Data Storage Compared Blob, File, Table, Cosmos DB, SQL
Azure- Tracing, Debugging, Troubleshooting, and Monitoring
Scale Deployments Horizontally in AWS-Iac
Octopus in a nutshell
Pulumi in a Nutshell
Bamboo in a nutshell
AWS CloudFormation in a Nutshell
Understanding AWS CloudFormation, Terraform, Pulumi, and Ansible
TFS (Team Foundation Server) in a Nutshell
Hoverfly in a Nutshell: Lightweight API Mocking for Developers
Modern Testing Strategies: Shift Left and Continuous Testing
OpenAPI-Use Jenkins to Detect OpenAPI Changes + Email Docs Team
Testing With Service Virtualization
Debug Release Mode Crashes in the Field With PDB Files
Container Registry Comparison
Apache Tomcat Code Snippets
Mountebank ina Nutshell
WireMock in a Nutshell
WinDbg In a Nutshell
SPIRE Agent Pod Setup
WinDbg vs Visual Studio Unique Features of WinDbg
Squid Proxy Pod Setup
Service Mesh Istio Setup
Envoy vs Istio vs Linkerd
Distroless vs Alpine: Choosing Secure Container Images with Code Examples
musl vs glibc and busybox